Sunday, November 6, 2011

Occupy Honolulu protestors arrested

Eight Occupy Honolulu protestors, three women and five men, were arrested yesterday (Nov. 5) evening at 11:30 p.m. from the sidewalk near Thomas Square Park in the corner of Beretania St.  and Ward Ave.

More than 20 police officers gathered before arresting the protestors. Officers said that the arrest was for sitting on the grass after the park was closed. "Park is closed, if they refuse to leave then they get arrested," said one of the police officers.

Other protestors shouted "shame! shame! shame!" at the officers while they were arresting.

"I'm exercising my freedom of speech," a young woman, who was handcuffed and escorted by two officers said while she was taken to the car.

Thomas Square Park closes at 10 p.m.

The protestors were sitting half on the edge of the sidewalk touching the grass.

Other protestors said that the action by the Hawaii Police Department was "unnecessary." Some protestors burst into tears while police were arresting their fellow protestors.

"You are the 99 percent," protestors shouted at police officers while they were leaving.

More updates will come soon, keep following me.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Occupy Honolulu group protesting APEC

Honolulu Police prepares

Activists making posters

Activists plans to march

Protestors on King St. and Ward Ave. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

Oh Gosh! It's been a while !

Yea, that's right. It's been a while that I am blogging. I just started school. I was in Kauai for a week, two weeks ago. 

This is going to be my last semester at Hawaii Pacific University, but I feel like I am a freshman. I don't have a job and I am taking some classes that are just similar to the ones that I took a long time ago.

Anyway, I'm sending Aloha to all of you. Stay in touch and I will post something new soon.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

All about Happy Cake Cafe

After work and home, I spend most of my time at Happy Cake Cafe. This little cafe on Keeaumoku street (lifelike plaza) is my favorite hangout place for now.

Huge RedVelvet at Happy Cakes
I come from Seattle. I'm a coffee addict! And Happy Cake has the best smooth 100% kona coffee in town. I come here, drink the coffee and use free internet. Guess what ? I'm writing about the cafe from the cafe.
Ladies who work are super-freindly and hot! (another reason to come here :P) . They play cool music, decor is hip and welcoming.

Support small business folks, buy local, support local. boycott giant starbucks!

The Cafe 

Phone: 808-941-2253
for more info about the happycakes click 

all about Happycake Cafe

After work and home, I spend most of my time at Happy Cake Cafe. This little cafe on Keeaumoku street (lifelike plaza) is my favorite hangout place for now.

Huge RedVelvet at Happy Cakes
I come from Seattle. I'm a coffee addict! And Happy Cake has the best smooth 100% kona coffee in town. I come here, drink the coffee and use free internet. Guess what ? I'm writing about the cafe from the cafe.
Ladies who work are super-freindly and hot! (another reason to come here :P) . They play cool music, decor is hip and welcoming.

Support small business folks, buy local, support local. boycott giant starbucks!

The Cafe 

Phone: 808-941-2253
for more info about the happycakes click 

Friday, April 15, 2011

My First Audio Blog!

My First audio blog: Interview with Hawaii governor Neil Abercrombie ! 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

How Much Tax Refund Did You Receive ?

This is a hot topic now, how much tax refund are you getting from the IRS?
 Everyone is trying to claim tax on each and every categories to get that pennies back which you've paid over a year- your hard earned money.

But folks! Here's the shocking news! General Electric (GE) made more than$26 billion in profit in last 5 years. Last year their income was $10.3 billion, profit over $1 billion. Guess how much they paid tax to the U.S. Government ? 


Rather they got tax refund of $1.1 billion! 
I can't believe how the corporations are so Smart Cunning to get away with the taxes. 

The top ten worst taxpayers are as follows, who pay nothing or almost nothing to the Government.

Exxon Mobil, Bank of America, General Electric, Chevron, Boeing, Valero Energy, Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, ConocoPhillips and Carnival Cruise Lines.

So, people, next time, you want to get away of paying taxes, come up with the corporation, because, this  is the country of corporations,  run by the corporations, and for the corporation. Long live Corporations! 

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Winner President cuts the social programs, increases the funding for military to buy weapons!

Our dear President, who is also the winner of Nobel Peace Prize 2009, is cutting down the funding on social programs like social services and education (200 of those), but increasing military funding. He is announcing $3.7 trillion proposal to build the nuclear power plants ! 

Well does it affect us ? Heck ya, states "  It also calls for cutting $300 million from community development block grants and limiting an expansion of the Pell grant program for low-income college students." 

Ah, well, he won the most prestigious peace prize, I guess, he knows what he is doing. For more info click on

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's Happening at the Gulf ? Where the oil "spilled ."

A boat cuts through surface oil near the site of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead ,
Photo by National Geographic
Well, first it's not a "spill" although everyone calls it - "Gulf Oil Spill." It is a major leak caused by breaking of insecure materials that was used by Halliburton, a gigantic corporation where Dick Cheney became the CEO in 1995.

Now, there's no news about the oil leak. Everyone's eyes is in Egypt. Many of us have even forgotten about the tragedy that happened in April 2010 and lasted for three months!

In order to disperse the oil, government and BP used a massive amount 800,000 gallons (3,028,000 litres) of chemical dispersants. This cause to disperse the oil, but has alsoe created more ecological problems that we are unaware of .

The National Geographic writes (Jan 27, 2011) :

No one knew how effectively the dispersants would work. But a new analysis shows the dispersants lingered for months pretty much right where they were put—trapped in subsurface plumes of oil and gas....
For the study, scientists tracked a key component of dispersant called dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DOSS) as the spill's deepwater plume of oil, natural gas, and dispersant moved southwesterly through the Gulf.

Some 640,000 pounds (290,000 kilograms) of DOSS was injected between April and July, a huge number made all the more daunting because the chemical comprises only ten percent of the total dispersant volume..

BP has committed to "clean up" beaches. For more info click :

We'll see what really BP is doing and what is it hiding. What do you think ?

Thursday, February 3, 2011


I made this video a while ago, I wanted to share this which is a short story about a homeless woman Tomma, who lives in the park across the street from where I live.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Something About "Act of War,"- the overthrow of Hawaiian Nation

snap of Act of War. courtesy
I saw Act of War two times. And, the second time I watched it, I learnt more about what "really happened" when the U.S. took over (or lets say stole) the Hawaiian Islands.

Act of War is a documentary made in 1993 that tells the story of Hawaiian people, missionary visits to the island who brought diseases with them, the decline of native Hawaiian population, commencement of sugar plantation that brought a large immigrant population, the internal politics of the business-men, and missionaries and finally overthrow of the kingdom of Hawaii in illegal way. 

The documentary is full of historical photos, interviews with Hawaiian historians and scholars with reenactment. 

One particular scene that I noted was a Hawaiian woman, dressed in Hawaiian attire said with loud voice "We are not Americans, We are not Americans, We are not Americans! We will die.. but never become American." Her voice had resentment and anger. After watching this documentary, I feel that Hawaiians (I don't know how many) are still angry with the United States, they still want their land back and want to get rid of immigrants.

Now, after a century, I don't know how Hawaiians can get justice. I understand they have been cheated, betrayed and did not get justice, but the question is "What now ?" How can Hawaiians get justice at this time ? Or is there another way that we all can make the mistake (crime) less painful ?

What are you ideas? What do you think we need to do ? or do we just let it go and "everything is ok ?"

Sunday, January 30, 2011


I always find writing "  about myself " a little challenging and a cliche. I don't exactly know where to start.

Well, I call myself a learning-independent-jouranlist, strong advocate for digital journalism, supporter of "going green," advocate of free speech, and who believes in peace and harmony.

Coming from a tiny land-locked,  Himalayan nation- Nepal, which is 11th poorest country in the world, and 70% of the population makes less than $2 a day; coming to the United States has been definitely a challenging and rewarding experience at the same time. I enjoy plethora of modern technologies, modern infrastructures that is still in primitive form in Nepal. At the same time, I miss the spirit of society, culture, and the notion of "We" rather than "I" and "mine." 

Studying at Hawai'i Pacific University (HPU) at this unique islands has been a beautiful experience. I feel the energy of the mighty Pacific ocean, get soothed by the ocean breezes and hearts filled with joy to see the colors and the mountains. I love the island, people and energy here.

That's all for today. I will keep in touch.  Well, I know, you might think I've not talked more about myself. Here's the laundry list of myself.

Sanjeev Ranabhat (Tethys)
HPU- Journalism Major, Travel Industry Management minor
Comes from: Kathmandu, Nepal
Has been in the US: Since Jan 6th 2006 
Came to Hawaii: August 26th 2008
Prior to Hawaii: Port Angeles and Seattle, Washington
Likes to: travel, read, write, take photos, make documentaries, graphic design, help people
What do I want to be ? : An independent journalist, inform people the truths.

More about Nepal, visit

my Facebook: add me at