Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What's Happening at the Gulf ? Where the oil "spilled ."

A boat cuts through surface oil near the site of the Deepwater Horizon wellhead ,
Photo by National Geographic
Well, first it's not a "spill" although everyone calls it - "Gulf Oil Spill." It is a major leak caused by breaking of insecure materials that was used by Halliburton, a gigantic corporation where Dick Cheney became the CEO in 1995.

Now, there's no news about the oil leak. Everyone's eyes is in Egypt. Many of us have even forgotten about the tragedy that happened in April 2010 and lasted for three months!

In order to disperse the oil, government and BP used a massive amount 800,000 gallons (3,028,000 litres) of chemical dispersants. This cause to disperse the oil, but has alsoe created more ecological problems that we are unaware of .

The National Geographic writes (Jan 27, 2011) :

No one knew how effectively the dispersants would work. But a new analysis shows the dispersants lingered for months pretty much right where they were put—trapped in subsurface plumes of oil and gas....
For the study, scientists tracked a key component of dispersant called dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate (DOSS) as the spill's deepwater plume of oil, natural gas, and dispersant moved southwesterly through the Gulf.

Some 640,000 pounds (290,000 kilograms) of DOSS was injected between April and July, a huge number made all the more daunting because the chemical comprises only ten percent of the total dispersant volume..

BP has committed to "clean up" beaches. For more info click : http://www.bp.com/extendedsectiongenericarticle.do?categoryId=40&contentId=7061813

We'll see what really BP is doing and what is it hiding. What do you think ?

1 comment:

  1. Not to take away from the ecological tragedy and make it totally political but i think you cant blame BP entirely. BP is just a scape goat for our government. for the last 30 years every one wants us to stop buying buying foreign oil and stop invading counties for oil rights. So we wanted to drill in Alaska but the hippies protested that. so we start drilling out in the open oceans were the hippies cant protest. This is what we all wanted right? getting our own oil. But there is the fact that it is at the bottom of the ocean and there a good chance we could crack a hole in the earth and spill all the oil. The US government opted not to use US contractors because it cheaper to just buy the oil back from England and we could blame it on them if this ever happened
