Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Nobel Peace Prize Winner President cuts the social programs, increases the funding for military to buy weapons!

Our dear President, who is also the winner of Nobel Peace Prize 2009, is cutting down the funding on social programs like social services and education (200 of those), but increasing military funding. He is announcing $3.7 trillion proposal to build the nuclear power plants ! 

Well does it affect us ? Heck ya, democracynow.org states "  It also calls for cutting $300 million from community development block grants and limiting an expansion of the Pell grant program for low-income college students." 

Ah, well, he won the most prestigious peace prize, I guess, he knows what he is doing. For more info click on http://www.democracynow.org/2011/2/15/obamas_37_trillion_budget_calls_for


  1. Why do they never talk about cutting the military budget? They could cut the military spending by 10 percent and pay for all the schools.

  2. @Ornellas They can't cut the military budget cause if they do how will they prevent the spread of communism...

    But interesting point about what they decide to spend money on
